Scan down this sample of common comparative phrases we use in the English language and what do you notice?

  • Right or Wrong
  • Good or Bad
  • Light or Dark
  • Slim or Fat
  • Dead or Alive
  • Heaven or H*ll
  • Rich or Poor
  • Happy or Sad
  • Hot or Cold
  • Hight or Low
  • Fast or Slow
  • Love or Hate
  • Positive or Negative 
  • Healthy or Ill
  • Easy or Hard
  • Success or Failure
  • Yes or No
  • Win or Lose

The thing I notice is the majority* of the last comparators are perceived generally to be negative. The order of the comparatives is nothing to do with alphabetical order, which I first suspected.

So What Test?

The so what is, the realisation the majority of people remember the last thing that is said; not necessarily the first. Our emphasis is subconsciously placed on the last comparator. Bearing this in mind, if you scan the list again looking just at the last items, what theme do you notice now?

What subliminal programming has society given us? Obviously we can change the order of the comparators round in our writing and spoken words, but they feel uncomfortable. So is this the cause for our underlying (subliminal) fear-based behaviours? 

Would our mindset change if the last comparator was always the positive one, i.e, would we flip our negative subliminal affirmations to positives?

* the exception appears to be the word “alive”, but when reading in the context of the other last (negative) comparators, you could perceive being alive is being associated with all the other last comparators. And those whom's spiritual beliefs consider we are spiritual having a physical incarnation, then having ‘alive’ last probably works for them, having a physical experience is considered to be the harder challenge.