It’s easy to get things wrong, given our brains process 400,000,000,000 bits of information a second, but we are only aware of 2,000 bits. Furthermore we use as little as 60 bits per second to make conscious decisions. This means we are 99.999999985% unconscious to the information our brains are processing.

The good news is, unconsciously we know far more than we give ourselves credit for.

The Appliance Of Neuroscience 

With emerging neuroscience backed coaching practices like mBraining, we are expanding consciousness by increasing our level of consciousness, i.e., we are beginning to access more of our subconscious, increasing the amount of information we were previously unaware of.

Given the enormous potential for natural growth of our awareness, its highly highly probable (this is a gross understatement), many of our perceptions of our earthy experience will be flipped and dispelled multiple times over, as we expand our levels of consciousness by increasing our neurological awareness making the extraordinary 2.0 of 2020 a drop in the ocean. Exciting times lay ahead.

How To Tell The Difference Between The Three Types Of News

All news, fake or real, is an expression of a perception – it’s a story. The key difference between Real Fake and Truthful News is whether the story is aiming to deceive or be enlightening. The level of validity of news can be judged in three genres:

  • Real Fake News - aims to fear-monger, manipulate the public, deceive, control and be restricting to consumers - Dominating.
  • Unintentionally Inaccurate News - attempting to be helpful, where the writer simply is not knowing any better.
  • Truthful News – comes from a position of caring and compassion, increases consumers awareness, aims to enlighten, inform and help the consumers make wiser decisions – Liberating and Empowering.

What Genre Of News Are You Consuming? 

From a behavioural coaching perspective, sit down, take a deep breath and release the breath slowly, and relax. Ask yourself the following three questions:

A) "How is this news making me feel?"

Put the palm of your hand on your heart and ask your heart; “How does this news make me feel?” Your answer will fall into one of three categories:

  1. Scared, constricted, controlled or limited etc., it's fear-mongering.
  2. No or little emotional response, it’s mundane and probably harmless
  3. Expansive, empowering, exciting or hopeful etc., it's enlightening.

B) "What is their motive?

Ask your head, “What is the author’s real motive, who will benefit if I accept their story; are they seeking to arouse fear and dominate me, or empower me?” Your answers can fall into one of three categories:

  1. Inciting fear, creating deception with an intention to control.
  2. Writing to embellish their ego; harmless pontification.
  3. An act of authentic service, with no other motive than to serve for the highest good and empowering to you.

C) "Hand on my heart, do they really care about me?

Rest the palm of your hand on your heart and ask your heart; “Do I really trust this? Do they really care about me, want’s in it for them?”

Note: you can ask the same question again, but this time place the palm of your hand on the top of your stomach, rather than your heart, and ask your stomach the same question, and see if you get the same answer.

There are three possible answers.

  1. No
  2. Maybe
  3. Yes

If the answers to the three questions are: A) expansive, B) authentic serving, C) Yes, it’s probably truthful news.

Put Your Subconscious To The Test

Review the two following news pieces in full, being 'open-minded' as you do, asking the three questions in the methodology described above, (relaxing and placing your hand on your heart and stomach) and decide for yourself whether they are truthful or real fake news:

Which one is Truthful News, if any?

An Alternative Fake News Testing Method

You could use one of the growing rooting out truth online services, that aim to validate the news for you, like 'NewsGuard', 'Media Bias Fact Check' and 'TheFactual'. Are these a good idea? Do their criteria match yours? The same three questions should be asked to see whether such a service is good for you. In the words of Lynne Mctaggart a renowned investigative journalist . . .